STOP Being a Short Hitter Long Drives are EASY (simple golf tips)

Easy Golf Tips: How to Stop Being a Short Hitter and Drive Longer

Welcome to our blog, where we share useful insights and practical advice to help improve your golf game. In today’s post, we will be tackling a common issue faced by many golfers – being a short hitter. If you often find yourself struggling to drive the ball the desired distance, fear not, as we have some easy golf tips that will help you start hitting longer shots with confidence. Join us as we explore effective techniques and strategies that can take your golf game to new heights. Let’s dive in and unleash our potential on the green together!

Easy Golf Tips: How to Stop Being a Short Hitter and Drive Longer


Are you tired of being a short hitter in golf? Do you envy those golfers who effortlessly drive the ball long and straight? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have three simple golf tips that will help you improve your driving distance and accuracy. By making a few adjustments to your technique, you can start hitting the ball longer and straighter consistently. So let’s dive in and discover how you can become a longer hitter on the golf course.

Tip 1: Correct Your Setup

One common mistake among golfers is not starting with the golf club driver head behind the ball. This hinders the club head speed and restricts your ability to generate power. To overcome this, make sure the club head is positioned directly behind the ball at address. This adjustment will enable you to swing freely and produce maximum speed at impact.

Tip 2: Find the Sweet Spot

To maximize your driving distance, it’s crucial to consistently find the middle of the club at impact. Many golfers tend to strike the ball on the toe or heel, resulting in a loss of distance and accuracy. To avoid this, focus on hitting the sweet spot of the clubface. This can be achieved by maintaining a balanced swing tempo and keeping your eye on the ball throughout the swing. Practice this fundamental and watch your drives straighten out and travel farther down the fairway.

Tip 3: Seek Expert Advice

Improving your driving distance requires guidance from professionals who understand the intricacies of the golf swing. That’s why we recommend subscribing to our channel for free simple golf tips from @AlexElliottGolf. Alex Elliott is a renowned golf instructor who shares valuable insights to help golfers, like you, improve their game. By incorporating his techniques and drills into your practice routine, you can unlock your true potential and start driving the ball longer.


In conclusion, becoming a longer hitter in golf is within your reach. By making adjustments to your setup, focusing on the sweet spot, and seeking expert advice, you can transform your game and start hitting the ball longer and straighter. Practice these tips consistently, and you’ll notice a significant improvement in your driving distance. So get out on the course, apply these techniques, and enjoy watching your balls soar into the distance.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. How can I increase my driving distance in golf?
  2. Why is finding the sweet spot important in driving longer in golf?
  3. Can I improve my game by subscribing to @AlexElliottGolf?
  4. Are there any other resources available to stay updated with the latest golf news?
  5. Where can I find information about honest course vlogs and unbiased course reviews?

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