An Alternative Approach to Square Club Face: Start with This Cheat Method

When it comes to achieving a square club face in golf, many players struggle with finding the right approach. However, there is an alternative method that can help simplify this process. In this article, we will be exploring a cheat method that can aid in achieving a square club face consistently. By following this approach, he or she can improve their golf swing and enhance their overall performance on the course. So, if you’ve been struggling to square the club face, they should definitely try this alternative approach.


In the world of golf, one of the biggest challenges that players face is controlling the clubface to prevent slicing or hooking the ball. This can greatly impact both accuracy and distance, making it crucial for golfers to find effective techniques to mitigate these curvatures and boost their driving performance. In this article, we will delve into an alternative approach to achieving a square clubface, championed by renowned golf instructor Alex Elliott. By following his clubface control method, golfers can not only enhance their accuracy but also increase their driving distance, ultimately taking their game to new heights.

Alex Elliott’s Method: A Cheat Approach to Square Club Face

  1. Understanding the Cheat Method: The core of Alex Elliott’s approach to controlling the clubface lies in what he calls the “cheat method.” Instead of solely focusing on traditional swing adjustments, this method involves a three-step process: clubface control, grip, and release/swing path. By placing emphasis on the clubface from the outset, golfers can set themselves up for success and build a solid foundation for their swing.

  2. Clubface Control: The first step in the cheat method is to focus on the clubface. Alex Elliott demonstrates various techniques, such as opening or closing the face, to find the right position that suits each golfer’s swing. By adjusting the clubface, golfers can effectively combat slicing or hooking tendencies, promoting a more accurate shot. Elliott emphasizes the importance of experimentation and finding the right balance to achieve optimal clubface control.

  3. The Correct Grip: The second step in this approach involves ensuring the correct grip. Alex Elliott emphasizes the significance of a neutral grip, which allows for better control and reduces the likelihood of wayward shots. He provides clear instructions on how to achieve the proper hand placement, highlighting the importance of finding a comfortable grip that suits each golfer’s individual needs.

  4. Release and Swing Path: The final step in the cheat method is focusing on the release and swing path. According to Alex Elliott, golfers need to swing towards the desired target, allowing the club to release naturally through impact. This technique plays a vital role in achieving a square clubface, as the swing path greatly influences the ball’s trajectory and direction.

By following these three crucial steps, golfers can establish a solid foundation for achieving a square clubface, resulting in straighter and longer shots on the course.

Subscribe to Alex Elliott’s YouTube Channel and Access Perks

For golf enthusiasts looking for additional insights and guidance, Alex Elliott’s YouTube channel provides a wealth of free tips and instructional videos. By subscribing to his channel, viewers gain access to a treasure trove of knowledge that can elevate their golf game to new heights. From driving distance to iron accuracy, Elliott covers a wide range of topics designed to help golfers of all skill levels improve their performance on the course.

The AE Club: Unlocking Exclusive Resources

In addition to the valuable content available on his YouTube channel, Alex Elliott offers additional resources through the AE Club on his website. By signing up, golfers can access exclusive PDFs and other materials that delve deeper into the concepts presented in his videos. These resources provide golfers with a comprehensive toolkit to refine their skills and take their game to the next level.


Controlling the clubface is paramount for any golfer aiming to enhance their accuracy and distance off the tee. With his cheat method and three-step approach, Alex Elliott offers a fresh and effective alternative to achieving a square clubface. By focusing on clubface control, grip, and release/swing path, golfers can build a strong foundation for their swing, resulting in straighter and longer shots. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, incorporating these principles into your game can provide significant improvements. So, why not give it a try and see the difference it can make to your time out on the golf course?

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Q: How can I subscribe to Alex Elliott’s YouTube channel?
    A: You can subscribe to Alex Elliott’s YouTube channel by visiting his channel page and clicking on the “Subscribe” button.

  2. Q: Are the tips and resources provided by Alex Elliott suitable for golfers of all skill levels?
    A: Yes, Alex Elliott’s tips and resources cater to golfers of all skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, you can find valuable insights to improve your game.

  3. Q: Can I access the additional PDFs and materials without signing up for the AE Club?
    A: Unfortunately, access to the additional resources requires signing up for the AE Club on Alex Elliott’s website.

  4. Q: Is it necessary to follow all three steps of Alex Elliott’s cheat method?
    A: Yes, following all three steps (clubface control, grip, and release/swing path) is essential for achieving a square clubface and improving your golf game.

  5. Q: Are there any costs associated with subscribing to Alex Elliott’s YouTube channel or joining the AE Club?
    A: Subscribing to Alex Elliott’s YouTube channel is free of charge. However, there may be costs associated with joining the AE Club, which can vary depending on the membership tier you choose.

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